Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation
FPCP 2019
on the campus of the University of Victoria, Victoria BC Canada
May 6-10, 2019

Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation
FPCP 2019
on the campus of the University of Victoria, Victoria BC Canada
May 6-10, 2019

Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation
FPCP 2019
on the campus of the University of Victoria, Victoria BC Canada
May 6-10, 2019
May 6-10, 2019
The VISPA research centre at the University of Victoria is proud to host the Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation, FPCP 2019. The conference will be held on the campus of the University of Victoria from May 6-10, 2019.
The FPCP conference series has been held annually since 2002, when it was founded through a merger of the Heavy Flavor (HF) and B Physics and CP Violation (BPCP) series.
The format of the conference consists primarily of plenary sessions where invited experts review the progress in both theory and experiment on a range of topics including
- CP violation in hadrons and leptons
- Rare decays of hadrons and leptons
- Heavy quark decays and CKM metrology
- Heavy non-qq mesons and pentaquarks
- Neutrino physics and PMNS metrology
- Flavor and the Higgs and Dark sectors
- The interplay between flavor and high-pT physics at the LHC
There will also be opportunities for shorter talks and poster presentations.
Download a copy of the Conference Poster
Download a copy of the First Bulletin
Download a copy of the Second Bulletin