
Delta Hotels Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort

100 Harbour Road, Victoria, BC V9A 0G1, 250-360-2999

Rate:  $219/night, single room

Booking deadline:  April 2, 2019


Online:  Book your group rate for University of Victoria FPCP Conference 

Phone:  1-800-268-1133 and identify yourself as part of the University of Victoria group staying at the Delta Hotel located at 100 Harbour Road, Victoria



Marriott Victoria Inner Harbour

728 Humboldt Street, Victoria, BC V8W 3Z5, 250-480-3800

Rate: $259/night, single or double room

Booking deadline:  Based on hotel availability


Online:  Book your group rate for Flavor Physics and CP Violation 

Phone: 1-888-236-2427 and ask for the Flavor Physics and CP Violation group rate


University of Victoria On Campus Accommodation - ***SOLD OUT***